Mixed German Verbs

Mixed German Verbs

Mixed German Verbs Here is a list of mixed German verbs. They combine elements of Weak Verbs and Strong Verbs. Unlike strong verbs, mixed verbs have no vowel or consonant change in their stem in the present tense. For example: Strong verb: geben ⇨ Er gibt mir einen Kuss. Mixed verb: kennen ⇨ Er kennt […]

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Thu, Jun 6th 2013 |
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Top 20 German Verbs

Top 20 German Verbs

20 most important German Verbs Here is a list of what we thought are the 20 most commonly used German verbs. The ending of verbs can change depending on the subject pronoun that comes before the verb. We have shown you these different types of endings in our blogs Weak Verbs and Strong Verbs 🙂 […]

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Thu, May 23rd 2013 |
Solution of the German Verb Test

Solution of the German Verb Test

Here is the solution of our previous blog about the German verbs gehen, nehmen and kommen 1. Wie oft nimmst du diese Tabletten am Tag? (nehmen, present tense) 2. Matthias ging damals in meine Klasse. (gehen, imperfect tense) 3. Giancarlo kommt aus Italien. (kommen, present tense) 4. Wann werden Sie nach Hause gehen? (gehen, future […]

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Mon, Mar 18th 2013 |
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German Verbs: gehen, nehmen and kommen

German Verbs: gehen, nehmen and kommen

3 Popular German Verbs with Examples and Test In this post we are looking at the three German verbs gehen, nehmen and kommen. The ending of a verb will change according to the subject pronoun that is used with the verb. For more information on this read our blog about weak verbs and strong verbs. […]

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Thu, Mar 14th 2013 |
The German verb singen - to sing

The German verb singen – to sing

The verb singen – to sing strong verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb singen is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of singen through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, Sep 6th 2012 |
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The German verb heiraten - to marry

The German verb heiraten – to marry

The verb heiraten – to marry weak verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb heiraten is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of heiraten through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Mon, Aug 6th 2012 |
The German verb schreien - to shout

The German verb schreien – to shout

The verb schreien – to shout strong verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb schreien is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of schreien through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, Jul 26th 2012 |
3 Popular German Verbs with Examples and Test

3 Popular German Verbs with Examples and Test

3 Popular German Verbs with Examples and Test In this post we want to introduce you to the three popular German verbs sein, haben and machen. At the bottom we have a test for you. Good luck 🙂           sein – to be Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich bin […]

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Thu, Jul 19th 2012 |
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The German verb schneiden - to cut

The German verb schneiden – to cut

The verb schneiden – to cut strong verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb schneiden is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of schneiden through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, Jul 12th 2012 |
The German verb schlagen - to hit/to beat

The German verb schlagen – to hit/to beat

The verb schlagen – to hit/to beat strong verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb schlagen is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of schlagen through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense […]

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Thu, Jun 28th 2012 |
The German verb springen - to jump

The German verb springen – to jump

The verb springen – to jump strong verb, formed with sein Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb springen is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of springen through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, Jun 14th 2012 |
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The German verb reden - to talk

The German verb reden – to talk

The verb reden – to talk weak verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb reden is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of reden through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, May 31st 2012 |
The German verb lügen - to lie

The German verb lügen – to lie

The verb lügen – to lie strong verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb lügen is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of lügen through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, May 17th 2012 |
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The German verb laufen - to walk, to run

The German verb laufen – to walk, to run

The verb laufen – to walk strong verb, formed with sein Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb laufen is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of laufen through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, May 3rd 2012 |
The German verb holen - to fetch

The German verb holen – to fetch

The verb holen – to fetch weak verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb holen is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of holen through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, Apr 19th 2012 |
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The German verb behalten - to keep

The German verb behalten – to keep

The verb behalten – to keep strong verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb behalten is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of behalten through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, Apr 5th 2012 |
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The German verb fangen - to catch

The German verb fangen – to catch

The verb fangen – to catch strong verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb fangen is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of fangen through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, Mar 22nd 2012 |
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The German verb entdecken - to discover

The German verb entdecken – to discover

The verb entdecken – to discover weak verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb entdecken is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of entdecken through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, Mar 8th 2012 |
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The German verb bestellen - to order

The German verb bestellen – to order

The verb bestellen – to order weak verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb bestellen is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of bestellen through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional Tense ich […]

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Thu, Feb 23rd 2012 |
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The German verb dürfen - to be allowed to

The German verb dürfen – to be allowed to

The verb dürfen – to be allowed to modal verb, formed with haben Below are the verb tables detailing how the German verb dürfen is formed depending on the tense of the sentence. Knowing the different forms of dürfen through the tenses will allow you to construct sentences much easier. Present Tense Future Tense Conditional […]

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Thu, Feb 9th 2012 |
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